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Even the richest lost money during the crisis

The crisis has affected the worldwide economic for all countries, even Asia wasn’t spare in spite of its development. The most affected people are us, middle and low class, on which a lot of people lost their job and to find a new one it is not so easy but don’t think we are the only one, even the richest lost.

Of course, they are still rich and the 10 richest on our Earth are still the same but some of them lost a lot of money.

Anil Ambani has lost $30 billion (from $42 to $12) in the past 9 months and Mukesh, Lakshmi Mittal and KP Singh lost $20 billion. Oleg Deripaska, from his $28 billion, has now less than $10 billion and with heavy debts of at least $14 billion.

And some lost everything for example Bjorgflur Gudmundsson from $1.1 billion to 0 !!! Everyone is affected by this crisis, poor and rich, and everyone has to face it according to his situation to prepare a future much more better.

Update Janunary 18, 2008

Who are the 10 richest on our Earth ?

Unfortunately I am not one of them and if I’m really realist, I am very far to be part of the top 10 but who knows, life is full of surprises and destiny has its own mystery which is divided in 2 groups – one in which the destiny governs your life and the other you create your own destiny. Which one you are ? Me, the second one.

On our Earth, there are more than 10 million people who own at least $1 million in assets which represent an increase of 9% in comparison with last year 2007 and who is the new rich ? Well majority are from India, China and Brazil.

What will you do with so much money ? Until I don’t

own it I can’t tell neither I can’t imagine how I will feel !!! But I’m quite sure that I will not change my personality, I will stop to work of course and invest this money on something. The first is Warren Buffet ($62 billion). Born in 1930 at Omaha in US, he build his fortune from investments in companies like Berkshire Hathaway or Coca-Cola. In june 2006, he said that he will give away 80% of his fortune to charity, mostly to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Next, it is Carlos Slim Helu ($60 billion). Born in 1940 at Mexico city with lebanese blood, he started to make fortune in 1990 by buying the company Telmex and by owning 90% of the communication market of his country, his wealth grew up quickly.

The 3rd is our Windows man, Bill Gates ($58 billion). Born in 1955 at Seattle in US and with Paul Allen in 1973, he developed the first computing system Altair Basic (known now as Windows) and in 1986, when Microsoft entered in stock market, he became billionaire.

Next it is Lakshmi Mittal ($45 billion). Born in 1950 at Sadulpur in India, he lives at London and owns Mittal Steel Company. In 2006, he bought the company Arcelor and became the first worldwide steel producer.

The 5th is Mukesh Ambani ($43 billion). Born in 1957 at Aden in Yemen, he is the son of the famous industrial indian Dhirubhai Ambani and he created petrochemicals giant Reliance Industries.

No seriously, what you will do with so much money ??? Thinking better, a good place to live like an island where I can build my own house and maybe some 7 stars hotels to grow up my fortune !!!

The 6th is Anil Ambani ($42 billion). He is the little brother of Mukesh Ambani and he is born in 1959, he inherited the fortune of his father which did it fructify in telecom investment.

Next is Ingvar Kamprad ($31 billion). Born in 1926 at Ljungby in Sweden, he is the father of the famous shop Ikea.

The 8th is KP Singh ($30 billion). Born in 1930 at Bulandshahar in Uttar Pradesh, he started to raise his fortune in 1960s by creating buildings and now he is the world's richest real estate baron.

Next is Oleg Deripaska ($28 billion). Born in 1967 at Dzerzhinsk in Russia, he survived during the period of gangster wars in the post-Soviet by investing on raw materials, principally on aluminum and founded his company Basic Element.

The 10th and the last of my list is Karl Albrecht ($27 billion). Born in 1920 at Essen in Germany and after the world war 2 with his brother, he developed his mother grocery store into a discount supermarket Aldi. Nowadays, the Aldi group has more than 8,000 stores around the world for $67 billion in sales.

No woman in top 10… the first woman is 17th who is Liliane Bettencourt ($22.9 billion), daughter of Eugène Schueller who created the famous brand L’Oréal - Because I'm worth it…

Some have inherited his fortune and developed it to be in the top 10 but some begun with nothing and look where they are now !!! Of course, time was not like now. In the past, everything had to be developed and now, we have new technology for our needs but the most important is the idea, not necessary an original or a complicated one, a simple idea is enough to start with.

November 13, 2008