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A screen protector recharging mobile phone

Am I sure that, like me, you are using a screen protector for your phone so if I tell you that within few months, we will find in the market a very particular screen protector allowing to recharge our cell phone, would you believe me ???

The company Wysips has created a flexible and transparent photovoltaic film which, once exposed to the sunlight, will recharge an ipad, a laptop… converting by this way the light by energy. In fact the film is composed of stripes of photovoltaic cells and a semi-cylindrical lens surface with no more than 0,1 mm of thickness.

screen protector

A successful demonstration has been done with a smartphone and the company said that with the actual technology, this system doesn’t allow to recharge fully a mobile quickly but at least to improve the battery life. For a full recharge, we will have to let it during 6 hours because the energy yield ratio is about 10% meaning 100 watts per square meter.

Moreover, the touch screen technology will still work normally without any problem so there are only positive points for us and if you are thinking it will be expensive, it seems not. Wysips said that they will sell the first series within 6 months for less than 1 euro to manufacturers. Now the question is how much they will sell it to us !!!

April 14, 2011