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Motorola Atrix 4G, a mobile laptop media phone

I read recently something that I like very much, everyone has expecting it in the future but it seems that the future is already here.

Just think that you have a laptop measuring 63.5 x 117.75 x 10.95 mm and weighing 135 grams !!! Ya the size of a cell phone so any opinions ???

People may react by asking what about the screen, the keyboard and the touchpad ??? OK for this size, no way for a 11 inch screen, neither a physical keyboard and a touchpad. After all, if you have guess it, I’m talking about a smartphone with a 4 inch touch screen but with the power of a laptop.

And yes, if you know what I’m talking about, it is about the Motorola Atrix 4G with 1 Ghz dual core, up to 16 GB memory on board and with the possibility to increase it up to 32 GB with microSD card and Android as operating system. This mobile phone is a hybrid. Let me explain it. Inside this little gadget, we will have all the characteristics of a phone and PC. Alone, it looks like a simple mobile but once we will connect it to:

motorola motorola
  • its lapdock, it is a laptop
  • its vehicle dock, it is a GPS
  • its HD multimedia dock, it is an entertainment gadget

A simple mobile but no so simple. It owns multiple networks, a 5 MP camera, a flash, a front and rear webcam, digital zoom, auto focus, wifi… So we can record HD 720p video, listen our favorite music and watch video, connect to internet, check our email and all the basic functions that have all mobiles nowadays. Moreover it includes social network direct links like facebook and twitter and business applications with security features.

Of course, it is not practical to work with a virtual keyboard and with a small screen, our eyes get tired quicker that’s why we will have the choice to plug in between its lapdock or its HD multimedia dock.

The lapdock is just an empty shell with a big screen. Meaning that it has no memory, no hard drive and no processor but it is sleek, super thin and light. The phone has to be docked behind it, there is a special space and voila !!! We will have a laptop as powerful as the one we can find in the market. By this way, we can work more efficiently.

motorola motorola

We don’t want to buy the lapdock because we have already a big 42 inch screen, a keyboard with the latest technology and a high tech mouse. In this case, we will just need the HD multimedia dock. It is a little docking station on which we can connect our big screen via its HDMI connection and the other peripherals via its USB ports. We can also use it to watch movie for example so no need to buy a media player.

There is also a vehicle dock. Once we will dock the phone on it, it will work as a GPS as simply like that. So what do you think ???

The Motorola Atrix can be already preordered in some countries like US and for people living in Spain like me, don’t expect it for the 2nd quarter normally. So if you are one of those lucky countries and you decide to buy it, expect to receive it on march 6 if they don’t change their mind or if there are no incidents !!! You may want to know the price before, no !!!


The phone itself costs $199.99 with a two-year service agreement and the lapdock costs $499.99. AT&T offers 2 bundles:

  • the lapdock bundle for $499.99 with a two-year contract and a data pro plan
  • the entertainment access kit for $189.99 which includes the HD multimedia dock, a Bluetooth keyboard, a mouse and a remote control

It is really an interesting idea this combination between a mobile, a laptop and a media player but I'm thinking about something, once we plug it behind its lapdock, how can we prevent someone to steal it when we want to work in a public place ??? Anyway if you want more information about it, check its official website.

February 24, 2011