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Diagnosing slow computer guest post written by Jesse

Are you dealing with the deadly sloooow performance of your PC ? There are some factors that will cause the poor performance of the PC. If you are irritated with the sluggish performance of the PC, get to know its problems. Your PC will malfunction if there are some defects in the system.

The computers do need some of your attention. If you will just ignore your PC, it will start to feel being abandoned. Learn from the famous saying from a dental clinic that says, ”ignore your teeth and they will leave you”. This is very true with your PC. If you will leave your PC unattended, it will not have the appetite of performing its best performance. You know why ? Because your PC needs your help form the threats

that are invading the system. These are some of the factors that will affect the power of the PC’s speed:

  • the startup items – if you have incorporated massive programs in the startup items, this will weaken the booting process. These items will automatically run when you startup the PC
  • messy desktop – if you can see too many programs in the desktop, they will slow down the performance of the PC. Messy desktop will not bring any good fortune to your PC
  • the disk space – check the disk space of the PC. If there is no more space in the disk drive, this will slow down the PC. The disk space will not function properly if it is being drowned by the flooding files and data that are consuming the disk space
  • choose wisely the programs – there are some programs that are not suitable for your PC. Check your computer for programs that are running in the PC. Diagnose the programs if they are suitable or compatible with the PC’s memory. Heavy programs will weaken the performance of the PC. An example of a heavy program is the game that is being downloaded in the internet
  • the corrupted fonts – there are some fonts in the computer’s systems that are no longer in use. Maybe some of them are corrupted and are useless to be kept in your PC. They will only consume the disk space and will suffocate the PC causing it to slow or freeze up
  • the mailbox – sometimes, too much mail in the mailbox will annoy the PC. These mails will also occupy some of the space of the disk and will annoy the performance of the PC. Check your mailbox for some mails. You might be surprised with the enormous crowd of mails. The worse things that can be found in the mails are the infected mails. They might contain some of the parasites that will harm the performance of the PC.

These are the some of the responsible factors that needs some attention from the PC users. If they are not properly catered, you will not achieve nor enjoy fast performance of your PC. So follow these simple tips and let the speed be with you ! ;)

This is a guest post by Jesse who writes articles on PC and Mac related issues like malware removing, registry repair, computer speed problems, etc. Feel free to check back for more tips next time !